The Directing Game
“The Directing Game is a social physical game. It is part of a series titled Experiments in Game-Based Pedagogy: Playful Approaches for the Media Production & Digital Humanities College Classroom. The series investigates the unique affordances as well as challenges and limitations of play and experiential games in college-level media education.”
“The game whimsically gestures towards realities about the film industry. Production sets are often high-pressure environments where everyone needs to be safe, included, and respected. Directors, Actors, and Producers need to balance creativity with efficiency and must practice ethical behavior.”
Get your team successfully through film pre-production in order to shoot a creative scene on the Production Set. Bonding will be required. Team members will need to lift each other up. Not one person has all the skills, competencies, and behaviors necessary to accomplish this, but working together it can all come into place. The objective of the game is to create a collaborative creative short filmed scene, and the game presents a structure in order to accomplish this even if the players have never done so before.